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11 Best HRM Software You Need to Know in 2023: A Comprehensive Guide


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May 19, 2023

11 Best HRM Software You Need to Know in 2023: A Comprehensive Guide

It is no secret that in today’s ever-evolving business landscape, technology can be used to simplify virtually every process, and human resource management is not left out of it. 

Businesses increasingly turn to Human Resource Management (HRM) Software to streamline HR processes and enhance employee management. However, with numerous options available, finding the right HRM software for your business can feel like navigating a complex maze. But trust us to always come through with the best guides to help you make the right decisions.

This comprehensive guide we have curated will help guarantee you select the best software that aligns with your business needs and goals. 

This is because we will review essential elements, point out crucial characteristics to search for, and offer advice to ensure seamless integration within your company. By the end of this article, you will have the information necessary to make a well-informed choice that prioritises employee satisfaction while maximising productivity and supporting the expansion of your organisation.

Are you excited? Let’s get started! 


  • What is an HRM Software
  • What does HRM Software do?
  • 11 Best HRM Software You Need to Know in 2023

We cannot discuss selecting the best HRM software for your business without first giving a brief overview of what it is or is expected to do. So here is a simple definition of HRM software. 

What is an HRM Software?

Human resource management software, or HRM software, is a technological tool used to automate and streamline numerous HR operations and tasks in a business. It acts as a central platform that aids HR workers in managing employee data, hiring, onboarding, performance reviews, time and attendance tracking, payroll, benefits administration, and other tasks. 

For instance, HR managers and staff may more effectively devote their time and resources to more productive, profitable tasks with the help of HR software.

Simply put, think of HRM software as a powerful tool that substitutes manual paperwork and monotonous administrative activities for effective, technology-driven procedures. It enables HR departments to streamline their processes, save time and money, increase accuracy, and increase productivity in its entirety. Employers tend to focus more on strategic HR efforts like talent development, employee engagement, and workforce planning by utilising HRM software, which will result in a staff that is more productive and engaged.

HRM Software can also be called HR Software for short. 

What does HRM Software do?

 Here are some of the essential functions every HRM Software must perform:

  • Time tracking via self-service
  • Automated pre-boarding, on-boarding, and off-boarding
  • Creating specialised reports to offer strategic information
  • Integrations with external applications
  • Maintaining an audit trail to track all data changes
  • Organising and securing employee data
  • Establishing workflows and keeping track of approvals
  • Tracking of performance and goals
  • Tracking employee training for development and compliance

It is essential you always look out for these features in your search for HRM software to integrate with your business. An excellent HRM software will have most, if not all, of these features highlighted above.

In addition to this, you must also understand your business requirements while looking out for these features. For instance, it is essential that you consider factors such as the size and complexity of your hiring process and plan for future scalability before even searching online for the ideal HRM software for your business. 

Here are some questions that can help you to determine this seamlessly:

1. Does your company need a complete HRM solution or just a few modules to address particular problems?

2. What key components are required to streamline your HR processes efficiently?

3. What level of user permissions are necessary, and how many users will require access to the software?

4. Do you need seamless interaction with current systems, like accounting or payroll software?

Doing the above will help you to focus on the HRM software providers that best meet your company's demands by reducing your alternatives and defining these factors.

Now, let’s get to the business of the day; the 11 best HRM software you need to know in 2023. 

11 Best HRM Software You Need to Know in 2023

Here are the 11 best HRM Software you need to know in 2023. This list was compiled based on customers' preferences and the essential functions of every HRM software. Some of these functions include employee self-service, performance management, onboarding, time and attendance tracking, and many more. 

1. Workday

2. BambooHR

3. Gusto

4. ADP Workforce Now

5. Namely

6. Zenefits

7. Rippling

8. Paycor

9. Deel

10. Oyster HR

11. HR

1. Workday

Workday is a top provider of cloud-based HR and financial management tools that aid businesses in streamlining their HR procedures and improving workforce management. It offers several features and modules, such as payroll, talent management, time tracking, and financial management.

Workday provides a full range of essential HR features, such as personnel data management, organisational hierarchies, benefits administration, time tracking, and absence management.

It also has features for talent management, payroll and compensation, analytics and reporting, and onboarding and Recruitment.

Workday is top on our list because it has all the features highlighted above, with additional sections for goal-setting, career advancement, and succession planning, with a digitised option for onboarding, interview scheduling, candidate evaluation, and application monitoring to speed up the hiring process. 

How to Integrate Workday With Your Business

There are a few crucial steps to integrating Workday into your business:

  • Define integration goals: Determine which aspects of your business you want to integrate with Workday, such as employee data, payroll, or benefits.
  • Assess Workday capabilities: Understand the features and functionalities of Workday that align with your integration goals, such as its APIs and integration tools. We have simplified this by providing you with Workday’s key features above.
  • Plan integration approach: Decide the best approach for integrating Workday based on your business requirements and available resources.
  • Data migration: Ensure the transition goes well by transferring important personnel data, organisational charts, and previous HR data into the Workday system.
  • Configuration and Customisation: Workday allows for easy configuration and customisation to modify the settings, workflow, and permissions to ensure it meets your unique business requirements.
  • Training and Change Management: Ensure all your HR staff and employees receive thorough training to become familiar with Workday's features and procedures. 

It may be necessary to map data, integrate APIs, or use Workday's pre-built connectors for well-known third-party apps to integrate Workday with other systems like payroll, finance, or recruiting platforms. However, Workday helps organisations navigate integration by providing tools, documentation, and committed customer support. This simplifies matching the software with your business's unique HR needs and procedures.

2. . Bamboo HR

Bamboo HR is a human resources application that has won over businesses with its powerful features and easy-to-use layout. It is a primary portal for managing all HR tasks, from tracking time off and personnel records to automating onboarding.

Bamboo HR's users acknowledge it for its effectiveness and simplicity. The days of being buried in spreadsheets and papers are over because this program magically brings everything together in one location. As a result, HR personnel are free to concentrate on strategic initiatives and employee engagement.

How to Integrate Bamboo HR With Your Business

Here is a simple step on how to integrate Bamboo HR with your Business:

  • Assess integration needs: Determine which HR processes you want to integrate with BambooHR, such as onboarding or performance management.
  • Explore BambooHR integrations: Visit the BambooHR Marketplace to find pre-built integrations or APIs that align with your needs.
  • Select integration solution: Choose the best integration option, whether it's a pre-built integration or a custom API-based solution.
  • Plan integration process: Create a roadmap, define timelines, and gather necessary permissions for the integration project.
  • Test and validate: Thoroughly test the integration to ensure accurate data transfer and proper functionality.
  • Implement and train: Deploy the integration in your production environment and train your team on how to use it effectively.
  • Monitor and maintain: Regularly monitor the integration, resolve any issues, and stay updated with BambooHR and your business systems.

3. Gusto

Gusto software is a game-changing solution that has captured the hearts of businesses with its intuitive design and comprehensive features. It is loved by many because it makes users' jobs easier by streamlining payroll, benefits, and HR tasks.

By automating the procedure, Gusto reduces the burden associated with managing payroll. It quickly manages everything, from calculating and filing taxes to disbursing wages.

Additionally, users value the convenience and time-saving advantages because they allow them time to concentrate on other critical business concerns.

How to Integrate Gusto With Your Business

Integrating Gusto software with your business is a straightforward process. Here is a brief overview of how you can get started:

  • Assess your needs: Pinpoint the HR and payroll areas where you want Gusto to work its magic—think employee data sync, automated payroll calculations, or benefits management.
  • Explore Gusto options: Check out the Gusto Marketplace and documentation to discover their integration solutions. They offer pre-built integrations and APIs tailored to different systems.
  • Assess your needs: Pinpoint the HR and payroll areas where you want Gusto to work its magic—think employee data sync, automated payroll calculations, or benefits management.
  • Explore Gusto options: Check out the Gusto Marketplace and documentation to discover their integration solutions. They offer pre-built integrations and APIs tailored to different systems.
  • Choose your method: Select the integration approach that suits your business. If your system has a pre-built integration, follow the provided instructions. Or, if you need a custom integration, you can tap into Gusto's API with the help of a developer or integration platform.
  • Verify compatibility: Ensure your existing systems will work well with Gusto. Verify if they offer integration capabilities or if you need to develop custom connections.
  • Set up and connect: If there's a pre-built integration, follow the documentation to establish the connection. Configure settings and map data fields to align Gusto with your system.
  • Custom integration (if needed): If there is no pre-built option, collaborate with a developer or integration platform to build a custom integration using Gusto's API. Code, map data, and perform thorough testing.
  • Test and verify: Put your integration to the test. Confirm that data syncs accurately, payroll calculations are correct, and desired features function as expected. Ensure the smooth transfer of employee info and payroll data.
  • Deploy and train: Once your integration is tested and validated, deploy it in your production environment. Train your HR team and stakeholders on maximising the benefits of the integrated systems, guiding them through new processes.
  • Monitor and maintain: Keep a close eye on your integration to maintain its functionality. Stay updated with Gusto and your integrated systems, addressing any issues promptly. Regular maintenance ensures smooth operations.

4. ADP Workforce Now

ADP Workforce Now is a powerful cloud-based software that has gained popularity among businesses for its comprehensive HR, payroll, and talent management capabilities. It offers an all-in-one solution to streamline and automate various HR processes.

ADP Workforce Now simplifies payroll management by automating calculations, tax filings, and direct deposits. It ensures accuracy and compliance, saving time and effort for users. Additionally, it provides self-service options for employees to access pay stubs and tax documents and update personal information.

How to Integrate ADP Workforce Now With Your Business

  • Determine Integration Goals: Identify the specific HR and payroll processes you want to integrate with ADP Workforce Now. For example, you may want to automate employee onboarding or synchronise employee data between systems.
  • Explore ADP Workforce Now Integrations: ADP Workforce Now offers a range of integration options. Visit their integration marketplace or documentation to discover available integrations tailored to your needs.
  • Select Integration Solution: Choose the integration solution that aligns with your requirements. Look for pre-built integrations that ADP Workforce Now offers for popular systems like accounting software or time and attendance systems.
  • Connect ADP Workforce Now: Follow the provided documentation or instructions to establish the connection between ADP Workforce Now and your chosen system. This typically involves configuring settings, mapping data fields, and authorising access.
  • Test and Validate: Thoroughly test the integration to ensure accurate data transfer, seamless workflows, and proper functionality. Verify that employee information, payroll data, and other relevant data are accurately synchronised between ADP Workforce Now and your business systems.
  • Implement and Train: Once the integration is tested and validated, deploy it in your production environment. Train your HR team and relevant stakeholders on effectively utilising the integrated systems and workflows.
  • Monitor and Maintain: Regularly monitor the integration to ensure its continued performance. Stay updated with any updates or changes from ADP Workforce Now or your integrated systems. Address any issues promptly and perform routine maintenance to ensure smooth operations.

5. Namely

Namely software is a comprehensive HR platform that empowers businesses with its intuitive design and a wide range of features. It simplifies and centralises various HR tasks, making them more efficient and streamlined.

Namely offers a seamless payroll management system that automates calculations, tax filings, and direct deposits. It ensures accurate and timely payments, reducing administrative burdens for users. Employees can also access their pay stubs and tax documents through the self-service portal.

With Namely, businesses can manage employee data effectively because it provides a centralised database where users can store and update employee information, track time off, and maintain compliance with labour regulations. The platform also facilitates performance management processes, including goal setting, performance reviews, and feedback.

How to Integrate Namely with your business

  • Understand Your HR Needs: Take a good look at what you want to improve in your HR processes, like making employee onboarding smoother or automating time tracking.
  • Explore Namely's Offerings: Dive into Namely's integration options, cool features, and powerful APIs (tools that connect software systems).
  • Choose Your Path: Decide how you want to connect Namely with your existing systems. Namely offers different ways to integrate, like ready-to-use connections or custom setups.
  • Make the Connection: Follow Namely's integration instructions to connect it with your systems. They will guide you through the steps to ensure a smooth connection.
  • Test It Out: Try it out and see if everything works as expected. Check that data flows seamlessly, tasks get automated properly, and employee information syncs accurately.
  • Go Live: Once you're satisfied with the testing, activate the integration in your business. Train your HR team to make the most of Namely's features and empower them to work efficiently.
  • Keep an Eye on It: Stay vigilant and monitor how the integration performs. If you notice any issues, adjust as needed to keep things running smoothly.

6. Zenefits

Zenefits software is a dynamic and user-friendly platform that has garnered attention for its comprehensive approach to HR management. It offers various features that streamline and automate various HR tasks, enabling businesses to save time and resources.

Zenefits simplifies and automates payroll processes, from calculating wages to filing taxes. It ensures accuracy and compliance while providing a seamless payroll experience for both employers and employees. Users appreciate the platform's intuitive interface and self-service options that allow employees to access their pay stubs and tax documents.

Beyond payroll, Zenefits offers robust HR management capabilities. It is a centralised hub for managing employee data, time off, and benefits administration. The platform facilitates employee onboarding, making automating paperwork easy and ensuring a smooth transition for new hires.

Zenefits also provides an integrated marketplace for benefits management. The platform allows Employers to easily offer and manage health insurance, retirement plans, and other employee benefits. 

How to Integrate Zenefits With Your Business

  • Assess Business Needs: Identify the HR and benefits processes you want to integrate with Zenefits. For instance, you may want to streamline employee onboarding, automate benefits enrollment, or synchronise employee data.
  • Explore Zenefits Integrations: Zenefits offers a variety of integrations to connect with other business systems. Visit their integration marketplace or documentation to discover available integrations tailored to your specific needs.
  • Select Integration Solution: Choose the integration option that best fits your requirements. Look for pre-built integrations offered by Zenefits for popular systems such as payroll providers, applicant tracking systems, or time and attendance software.
  • Connect Zenefits: Follow the provided documentation or instructions to establish the connection between Zenefits and your chosen system. This may involve configuring settings, mapping data fields, and granting appropriate access permissions.
  • Test and Validate: Thoroughly test the integration to ensure seamless data transfer, accurate employee information, and proper functionality. Validate that employee data, benefits enrollments, and other relevant information are correctly synchronised between Zenefits and your business systems.
  • Implement and Train: Deploy the integration in your production environment when it has been examined and approved. Inform your HR team and the appropriate parties how to use the integrated systems and the features of Zenefits.
  • Monitor and Maintain: Continuously monitor the integration to ensure its ongoing performance. Stay updated with any updates or changes from Zenefits or your integrated systems. Address any issues promptly and perform regular maintenance to keep the integration running smoothly.

7. Rippling

Rippling software is a cutting-edge HR and employee management platform that has gained recognition for its comprehensive features and seamless user experience. It offers a unified solution for streamlining HR tasks, payroll management, and IT administration.

Rippling simplifies the complexities of HR by automating processes such as employee onboarding, offboarding, and data management. It streamlines the collection and storage of employee information, allowing for efficient access and updates. Users appreciate the platform's intuitive interface, which makes it easy to manage HR workflows.

One of Rippling's standout features is its integrated payroll system. It automates payroll processing, tax calculations, and filings, saving time and reducing errors. Additionally, it offers self-service tools for employees to access pay stubs and tax documents.

How to Integrate Rippling With Your Business

  • Determine your integration needs. Choose the IT and HR operations you wish to connect with Rippling, such as syncing employee data or automating onboarding.
  • Investigate the connectors offered by Rippling: Look for pre-built connections with well-known programs like payroll or HR applications in the marketplace at
  • Establish a connection with Rippling by following the instructions in the given document.
  • Test and validate: Thoroughly test the integration to ensure smooth data transfer and accurate information syncing.
  • Implement and educate: Set up the integration and provide your team instruction on how to use Rippling efficiently.
  • Monitor and maintain: Monitor the integration's performance, address any issues promptly, and perform regular maintenance.

8. Paycor

Paycor is a full-featured HR and payroll software program created to make business HR procedures simpler and more efficient. It includes a variety of capabilities, including managing payroll, tracking time, administering benefits, and reporting on human resources.

Paycor enables you to manage employee data centrally, handle tax filings, and automate payroll computations. It offers resources for handling time off requests, keeping track of staff hours, and providing data to guide your decisions.

Additionally, Paycor provides self-service portals so that workers may view their pay stubs, tax records, and benefits information online. It also offers HR compliance assistance, assisting you in staying current with employment laws and regulations.

How to Integrate Paycor With Your Business

  • Assess Integration Needs: Determine what you need Paycor for. For example, you may want to streamline your time and attendance tracking by integrating Paycor or you could want employee hours recorded in your time and attendance system to sync with Paycor for payroll processing automatically.
  • Explore Paycor's Integrations: Visit Paycor's integration marketplace or documentation to find their pre-built integration for time and attendance systems.
  • Choose a solution for integration: The Paycor-TimeTracker connection is the best choice because it fully meets your needs. This integration will allow seamless communication between the two systems, eliminating the need for manual data entry.
  • Connect Paycor: Follow the provided documentation from Paycor and TimeTracker to establish the connection. You will need to configure the integration settings by providing the necessary information, such as API keys or login credentials, to authorise the data exchange between the two systems.
  • Test and Validate: Conduct testing to ensure the integration runs without a hitch. 
  • Monitor and Maintain: Continuously monitor the integration to ensure data accuracy and system performance. Regularly review integration logs, payroll reports, and employee feedback to address any issues promptly and maintain a smooth integration experience.

9. Deel

Deel software is a comprehensive platform that simplifies and streamlines the process of hiring, onboarding, and paying remote workers. It offers a range of features designed to facilitate global workforce management and compliance.

Deel simplifies hiring by providing access to a global network of pre-vetted contractors and freelancers. Users can easily find and onboard talent worldwide, ensuring a seamless and efficient recruitment experience.

The software also handles the complexities of global payroll and payments. It automates payroll calculations, tax withholdings, and payments, ensuring accurate and compliant compensation for remote workers. 

Deel supports various payment methods, making paying contractors in their preferred currency and method easy. Asides from this, Deel helps with compliance and legal documentation. It generates customised contracts and agreements that comply with local labour laws and regulations, ensuring businesses remain compliant when engaging with remote workers across different jurisdictions.

How to Integrate Deel With Your Business

  • Sign up: Create an account on Deel.
  • Set up a profile: Customize your company details.
  • Invite team: Invite members to join Deel using their email addresses.
  • Create contracts: Use Deel to create and manage contracts.
  • Streamline onboarding: Collect and store important documents using Deel's onboarding features.
  • Process payments: Handle payroll and contractor payments with Deel's payment features.
  • Monitor compliance: Stay compliant with labour laws and regulations using Deel's guidance.
  • Seek support: Reach out to Deel's support team for assistance.

10. Oyster HR

Oyster HR is a modern platform designed to simplify and streamline international hiring and employee management. It offers a range of features and services to assist businesses in expanding their global workforce efficiently and compliantly.

Oyster HR simplifies the process of international hiring by providing access to a global talent network and managing the complexities of employment in different countries. It helps businesses find and onboard remote workers in various locations, ensuring compliance with local labour laws and regulations.

The platform also handles payroll and benefits administration for international employees. It calculates and processes payments, manages taxes, and ensures compliance with local employment regulations. Oyster HR makes it easy for businesses to pay employees in different countries and currencies, eliminating the challenges associated with global payroll.

Furthermore, Oyster HR provides a centralised platform for managing employee data and documentation. It facilitates the storage and organisation of important HR documents, such as contracts, tax forms, and employee records. This feature simplifies employee management and ensures data security and privacy.

How to Integrate Oyster HR With Your Business

  • Sign up: Create an account on Oyster HR.
  • Create a profile: Customize your HR policy and company profile.
  • Employee onboarding: Use Oyster HR to efficiently onboard new hires.
  • Manage employee data: Safely store and manage employee data.
  • Streamline time and attendance by managing time off requests and keeping track of working hours.
  • Improve communication by encouraging teamwork and participation among workers.
  • Access HR analytics: Create reports to learn more about your staff.
  • Request assistance and training: Speak with the support staff at Oyster HR for guidance and materials.

11. HR HR is a robust platform designed to streamline and optimise organisation HR processes. It offers a range of features and tools to enhance HR management, employee engagement, and collaboration.

With HR, businesses can centralise and manage employee data efficiently. The platform provides a centralised hub for storing employee information, including personal details, job history, and performance data. This enables HR professionals to access and update employee records easily.

The platform offers powerful workflow automation capabilities, allowing businesses to automate various HR processes. This includes automating employee onboarding, offboarding, and performance reviews. Automation help saves time and reduces manual errors, improving overall efficiency.

How to Integrate HR With Your Business

  • Sign up: Create an account on HR.
  • Set up a workspace: Create a workspace for managing your HR processes.
  • Customise boards: Create boards for different HR areas and customise columns.
  • Team: Invite HR team members to participate in board discussions.
  • Make workflows: Include tasks and allow team members to contribute.
  • Integrate with other systems: Connect with tools like payroll software.
  • Train your team: Provide training on using HR.
  • Monitor and improve: Continuously evaluate and optimise your HR processes.


The 11 best HRM software solutions mentioned in this list offer a wide range of features and functionalities to meet the diverse needs of businesses. These software platforms provide comprehensive solutions for HR management, payroll processing, benefits administration, talent acquisition, and employee engagement. They simplify and automate various HR processes, saving time, reducing errors, and enhancing efficiency.

Each software solution has unique strengths and capabilities, catering to different business sizes, industries, and requirements. Whether managing employee data, automating payroll calculations, streamlining recruitment processes, or fostering collaboration and engagement, these HRM software options have proven their value in empowering businesses to manage their human resources effectively.

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