Bespoke Software Development

Get custom software solutions that fit your business.

Software Consultancy

Make your software projects better with our guidance.

Hire Developers

Scale your team instantly and improve your operations.

Product Design

Create products that put your users first.

Software Maintenance

Ensure your products continue to function reliably.

Quality Assurance and Testing

Satisfy your client-base with bug-free software.


Enjoy the faster and more efficient product delivery.

Frequently Asked Questions

These are the frequently asked questions we hear, as well as the answers. If you have other questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!


Difference between hybrid and native apps?

The difference between hybrid and native apps is that, native mobile applications are built for a specific operating system while hybrid mobile applications are built for seamless performance cross platforms.

Do you publish apps to the stores?

Yes, we do

Does my business need a mobile app?

Yes, it is important/ necessary that your business has a mobile application. This helps to boost brand awareness and reach, as well as provide access to your business to people who are on the go.

How much time do you take to develop a website?

This is dependent on factors such as the scope, requirements and complexity of your project.

Do you build mobile compatible websites?

Definitely, our developers at Wazobia technologies are skilled at building responsive web applications. Having intuitive and mobile friendly websites allows your users to have the best experience possible regardless of the device they use.

Do you provide web hosting?

No we don't

What is a static/ dynamic website?

A static website is one that displays the same information for every user, the information on the website is fixed. While a dynamic website doesn't have fixed content and can provide user interaction. Depending on your specifications, our expert developers will build a website that meets your project requirements.

Can I contact my developers directly?

Yes, we provide you with a direct line of communication. to keep you up to date on your project progress.

What is your response time to your contacts?

When we receive a request, it will be responded to one business day

When executing projects does your team rely directly on the client to provide information?

We don't, our development team works with a defined project scope, and the client is kept in the loop with progress. Unless our client needs to add requirements to the project, we are capable of making informed decisions based on project goals.

Can you work with the team on my end?

Yes we can, you can easily integrate developers at Wazobia technologies into your team to work on a project

Do i own the property rights of my project?

Yes, you own the intellectual property rights for your project. Our job at Wazobia technologies is to take

What Technologies do you work with?

Front end development: HTML, CSS, Javascript<br/><br/>Backend development: Javascipt, php, Django, Node,Flask Frameworks: NextJS, ReactJS, Laravel, Angualar, Typescript, Vue<br/><br/>Database: MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis

Do you rescue projects?

Of course we do, If you are not satisfied with your product, we will rescue your project and see it through to completion, deployment and maintenance

Do you give quotes on request?

Quotes are given during our consultation process. And is dependent on the service requested for.

Need help with a project?

Let's solve it together.